Guess or Lose the rules
How it works
Players take turn collecting cards according to their
There are 3 types of cards: Color, Task, Dice.
To start, place 3 decks face down (task, dice and color cards). Then place 4 task cards face up on the right from the Task deck, 6 color cards face up.
Each player should take one
Orange is a
Dice cards can be changed at your turn
Each player takes one color card clockwise. There are 4 ways to take a card in your turn:
- Face up 6 color cards
- Top card from the color deck
- Top card from the discarded color cards
- Steal 1 color card from any player
If you take a card from other players the card is turned horizontal and can’t be taken by other people until a full turn circle of turns is made. When a card is taken, the player, whose card was taken, needs to take one too the same way as if it is their turn: take from face up color cards, top of the discarded color pile, other people. This goes on until all players have the card # they had.
At any time you can guess what task card other players collect. If you are right you collect it instead of them. If you guessed a trap, they collect it instead of you. If you guess wrong (any other cards than the actual task or trap) you get a SKULL. Number of skulls to lose = #of players + 1.
3 player = 4 skulls
4 player = 5 skulls
5 player = 6 skulls
And so on
complete successfully 3 tasks to win